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Programme Highlight: Event on "Europe's mobility of the future" (from left to right: Christian Bernreiter, Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Building and Transport, Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, European Commission, and Markus Ferber, MEP and Chairman of the Hanns Seidel Foundation)

Programme Highlight: Event on "Europe's mobility of the future" (from left to right: Christian Bernreiter, Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Building and Transport, Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, European Commission, and Markus Ferber, MEP and Chairman of the Hanns Seidel Foundation); © Zacarias Garcia

Our work in Brussels

Dialogue - Analysis - Networking

With the opening of the Brussels Office in 1982, the Hanns Seidel Foundation has been taking into account the importance of Brussels as the headquarter of EU and NATO. With its conferences, it takes up current topics of European and international politics, brings together decision-makers from various levels and countries and actively contributes to the development of a lively, critical and knowledgeable public. The Brussels Office works on two major thematic areas: European Dialogue and Development Policy Dialogue.

European Dialogue

Panel discussion on „Europe as a business location: How does the EU compete globally?” (from left to right: Sandra Parthie, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft, Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler, MEP, Christiane Canenbley, European Commission, and Hildegard Bentele, MEP)

Panel discussion on „Europe as a business location: How does the EU compete globally?” (from left to right: Sandra Parthie, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft, Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler, MEP, Christiane Canenbley, European Commission, and Hildegard Bentele, MEP)


On the one hand, the European Dialogue conducts political analyses on current European policy issues and, on the other hand, facilitates the reflection on these topics by relevant actors from politics, administration, science, diplomacy and society. The focus lies on the future of Europe, on economic, domestic, foreign and security policy issues, as well as on the promotion of democracy and the rule of law. In order to facilitate a critical debate of these and other topics, the Brussels Office acts as a platform for expert discussions, public debates and dialogue events. The analysis of political developments in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg is also part of the work of the department, as well as the organisation of international conferences in Western Europe. The European Dialogue thus aims to strengthen critical discussion, dialogue and understanding of other positions and to contribute to the enhancement of knowledge about European politics and processes.


Development Policy Dialogue

Meeting of the UPLA delegation from Latin America with the HSS Chair Markus Ferber, MEP (from left to right Jatzel Román, Mayerly Briceno, Verónica Cando, MEP Markus Ferber, Marta Batres, Julio Isamit, Dr. Thomas Leeb, Jorge Sandrock, Dietrich John)

Meeting of the UPLA delegation from Latin America with the HSS Chair Markus Ferber, MEP (from left to right Jatzel Román, Mayerly Briceno, Verónica Cando, MEP Markus Ferber, Marta Batres, Julio Isamit, Dr. Thomas Leeb, Jorge Sandrock, Dietrich John)

HSS Brüssel

The Development Policy Dialogue follows the latest developments in the field of European foreign and development policy and conducts political analyses as well as studies on this subject area. Furthermore, it promotes the dialogue between representatives of politics, administration and civil society from project countries of the Hanns Seidel Foundation on the one hand and EU stakeholders on the other hand. For this purpose, the Brussels Office receives expert delegations from Africa, Asia and Latin America in Brussels, organises expert round tables and panel discussions, and promotes the exchange on issues of international cooperation by expert talks. The regions and topics covered are wide-ranging. The thematic focuses include sustainable development, good governance, the political participation of women and youth, climate and energy, EU-Africa cooperation and the European Neighbourhood Policy. The Brussels Office regularly reports on these and other topics of European foreign and development policy as well as on the EU's cooperation with its international partners in various formats.

Since more than 25 years, the Hanns Seidel Foundation has been implementing EU (co-)funded projects in close cooperation with local partners in over 15 countries. The Development Policy Dialogue team in Brussels supports the offices of the Hanns Seidel Foundation around the world from the project planning to its implementation. Its responsibility includes the coordination of Hanns Seidel Foundation's EU projects, individual support in project conception, application and project set-up, but also advice on contractual issues and communication with the EU.

Our Partners

Panel discussion at „Net@Work” (from left to right: Dr Thomas Leeb, HSF, Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, MEP, Tomi Huhtanen, WMCES, and Sofia Bournou, BusinessEurope)

Panel discussion at „Net@Work” (from left to right: Dr Thomas Leeb, HSF, Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, MEP, Tomi Huhtanen, WMCES, and Sofia Bournou, BusinessEurope)

©David Plas

The Brussels Office organises own events as well as events in cooperation with other foundations or think tanks. The office works closely with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES), the think tank of the European People's Party (EPP), to carry out activities on transnational European challenges. In order to inform the public about important European policy issues, the Hanns Seidel Foundation also cooperates with various Brussels think tanks and the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union.

Furthermore, the Brussels Office represents the Hanns Seidel Foundation in the European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP). The ENoP network, which consists of over 50 members from 22 European countries, facilitates the active exchange among its members on development cooperation and democracy promotion and represents the interests of political foundations in these areas vis-à-vis the EU institutions. As a founding member, member of the steering committee and member of various working groups, the Brussels Office is strongly committed to ENoP.

Team Office Brussels

Belgium (Europe Office Brussels)
Dr. Thomas Leeb
European dialogue
Vanessa Fürstenau
Scientific Associate
Development Policy Dialogue
Michelle Wiesner
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Brüssel
Rue du Trône 60
1050 Bruxelles
European dialogue
Angela Ostlender
Programm Managerin
Development Policy Dialogue
Laura Lahner
Scientific Associate
European dialogue
Entela Koroveshi
Office assistant
Development Policy Dialogue
Constantin Blaschke
Consultant for EU projects