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Data Protection

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our organisation, products and websites. It is very important to us that your privacy is protected when you visit our websites. This is why we comply with all relevant statutory regulations on the protection of personal data and data security. Here we provide more details about which websites this data protection statement applies to; the data that we collect, process and use; your right to information; and much more.


This data protection statement applies to the use of websites (hereinafter referred to as “Hanns Seidel Foundation websites”) offered by the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V (hereinafter referred to as “Hanns Seidel Foundation”). This data protection statement does not apply to the websites of other service providers to which the Hanns Seidel Foundation websites merely provide a link. 


Personal data

Personal data means individual entries about the personal or material circumstances of a defined or definable natural person. For example, your name, address, account number, passport number, telephone number, car registration, e-mail address and IP number are all personal data. In contrast, non-personal data is data that cannot be used to determine your actual identity. For example, this includes information about your gender, the browser you use, or your preferred make of car.


Other collection, processing or use of personal data

We will only collect, process or use your personal data if you provide it to us voluntarily and it is legally permissible or you have given your consent to this.


Purpose of the collection, processing or use of personal data

We will only use the personal data that you provide for the purposes that we have communicated and agreed with you.


Use of personal data for the purposes of advertising and market research

In order to improve your customer experience, from time to time we would like to use your personal data for advertising, market research and other purposes. Of course we will inform you of this advance and ask for your express consent.


Disclosure, sale or transmission of personal data to third parties

We will not disclose, sell or otherwise transmit your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary for the communicated and agreed purposes or with your express consent.


Withdrawal of consent

You may withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data for the agreed purpose at any time. To do this, simply contact us at the address below.


Automatic collection, processing and use of personal data

When you visit our website, general information is gathered automatically (so not via registration). This is not used to identify you personally. The web server automatically saves information on the following:

  • Which of our websites you have visited

  • The names of the files accessed

  • The website that sent you to us via a link

  • The date and time of your visit

  • It may also store details of your computer’s operating system and browser version.

We assess this data in anonymised form and use it to improve the content and functions of our website. We do not create any individual user profiles. We do not use or pass on this data in any other way.


Use of cookies

Hanns Seidel Foundation websites normally use session cookies, which store technical data about your visit in your browser. These cookies do not collect personal data.

Disabling cookies

Cookies are only relevant to data protection laws if they store personal data, but some internet users still view these tiny data packages with a degree of suspicion. Therefore, we would advise that it is possible to prevent cookies being stored on your computer, and you can also view the content of cookies. The latest browser versions offer a number of options in this respect, simply check the Help function in your browser. For example, you can set your browser to automatically block all cookies or to warn you before a cookie is stored. However, please note that this may mean you cannot use all the functions of Hanns Seidel Foundation websites and the websites of other service providers.


TWIPLA is a website analytics service that measures the traffic on our website and collects general information about our website visitors. We compile statistics to improve the experience of visitors to our website. We never use cookies for this purpose. As a website operator using TWIPLA to measure reach, we may process information about the device you are using and its characteristics, information about technical characteristics of the website visit, the number of page visits and statistically relevant behaviors of our website visitors, depending on the level of data protection activated. The technology does not use the data collected to identify individual visitors or to match the data with additional information about an individual user. Depending on the location from which you access our website, TWIPLA may not collect information about the device you are using due to our technical settings.

Revocation TWIPLA

Google Maps

This website uses Google Maps to display maps and create route plans. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. By visiting this website you agree that Google, one of its representatives, or third parties can collect, process and use data that is automatically collected or entered by you. You can find the terms and conditions of use for Google Maps under the Google Maps Terms of Service.

If you wish, you can simply deactivate the Google Maps service and in this way prevent data being transferred to Google. To do this, deactivate JavaScript in your browser. 

For more details visit the Data Protection Centre at Transparency, options and data protection regulations

You can withdraw your consent to data collection and storage at any time. 

With regard to the discussion on the use of analytics tools with full IP addresses, we would inform you that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “anonymizeIp()”, so IP addresses can only be processed in abbreviated form in order to prevent them being directly linked to an individual.


Security measures

The Hanns Seidel Foundation takes appropriate technical and organisational steps to ensure that your personal data is protected from loss and misuse. Your data is stored in a secure operating environment that is not publicly accessible. In certain cases your personal data may be encrypted during transfer using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This means that communication between your computer and the Hanns Seidel Foundation’s servers occurs using a recognised encryption process in a secure, updated version. If your browser supports SSL, this function will protect the transfer of personal data. In this case most browsers display a small dialogue box or icon to tell you whether the security protocol is supported. For more information please consult the Help function in your browser. If you wish to contact the Hanns Seidel Foundation by e-mail, please note that we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the information transmitted. Like postcards, the content of e-mails can be viewed by third parties. Therefore we recommend only sending confidential information by post.


Right to information

Upon request, we would be happy to give you more details about whether we store your personal data, and if so which data. Just get in touch with us at the address below.


Changing and deleting personal data

Please contact us at the address below if you wish to change or delete your personal data. We will delete your personal data as soon as it has been used for the purpose for which we originally saved your data. However, please note that in some circumstances we may not be able to delete your data due to statutory storage and accounting requirements. In this case you are still entitled to block this data.


Changes to this data protection statement

Due to the speed of advances in internet technology and changes to data protection rights and laws, from time to time it is necessary to amend our data protection statement so that it complies with new requirements.

Hanns Seidel Foundation Helpdesk

If you want to assert your right to information or have questions about this data protection statement or our approach to online data protection, please contact our data protection officer Dr. Andreas Burtscheidt: dsb(at)